Technical Requirements

NOTE: These requirements may vary depending on the characteristics and design specifications of each installation.

Terrain Requirements

The measurements of a standard Wavegarden Cove are:

  • Including beginner areas (Bays): 160 x 160 m with a footprint of ​​20,000 m2.
  • Excluding beginners areas: 100 x 100 m with an area of ​​8,000 m2 (it is possible to use less space).

Both options allow for a two-sided lagoon with left and right waves. Although, it is possible to create one side only that would requiring half the area.

The shape of the Wavegarden Cove contour can be customized to the size and characteristics of the terrain, and can be asymmetrical. It is possible to extend the modular technology, which will lengthen the waves. Therefore, there is no area limit.

Water Supply

The Wavegarden Cove can work with both fresh and salt water. The water source can be river, lake, dam, ground or main supply.

Lagoon’s Depth

Facilities are designed to minimize the required water volume. The average depth ranges between 0.5 – 1.2 m in the beginner areas (Bays) and 1.0 – 2.5 m in the expert areas (Reefs).