Our specialist engineers have created the only water treatment system in the world specifically designed, built and tested for artificial wave lagoons for surfing.
Taking advantage of the waves and currents, in addition to other particularities such as the density of users and periods without waves, the system reduces the Capex and Opex of the installation without penalizing the quality of waves or safety in the lagoon.
Water quality in the lagoon is guaranteed despite its low recirculation flows.
Safe disinfection of the lagoon with chlorine values ​​lower than those required in public swimming pools.
Compliance with all parameters required by regulations while maintaining water quality similar to a swimming pool.
Sustainable water management protocols that avoid negative impact on the immediate environment.
The water treatment system and its components have been developed to meet the most demanding criteria of the different laws applied in all the countries where our projects are located. Currently the system meets the legislative criteria of Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, Australia, the United States, South Korea and Brazil.
Wavegarden has pioneered the design of a water treatment system specifically for surf parks. The result is crystal clear water and perfect visibility of the lagoon´s bottom with a turbidity of less than 5 NTU, even during periods of wave generation.
Andoni Urrutikoetxea, Ph. D Industrial Engineer & Wavegarden Water Specialist
Wavegarden lagoons are totally respectful of the environment. The water is crystal clear, safe and potable, so it can be easily exchanged with its surroundings, even in protected areas. Methods to further minimize the dosage of chemical products, especially chlorine and its derivatives, are currently being studied.
From a hydrodynamic point of view, the lagoon´s design is based on the research and findings from computational fluid dynamic (CFD), which seeks to optimize the exchange between the lagoon and the water treatment plant to:
The system has sensors and an innovative computer application that allows continuous monitoring, local and remote, of the water quality as well as the health and safety of users.
The latest upgrades to the filtration system enable it to remove particles above 1-5 microns very efficiently, with an energy consumption of less than 0.05 kWh per m3 of treated water. The system consumes less than 1 m3/day to carry out both system maintenance and filter washing. Further, the technology has a minimum of 3 different disinfection systems, including chlorine in the body of water.
The water treatment system is the most compact on the market. It can even be placed underground to allow the surface area to be used for other purposes. Further, when placed below water level, it is possible to reduce energy and water consumption, and thus minimize operational costs.
Our vacuum system for cleaning the bottom of the lagoon works autonomously and currently is the most efficient that exists in the sector.
In order to meet the ever-increasing health and safety requirements for large recreational lagoons, for the past two years Wavegarden has been working in collaboration with two renowned European research centers that specialize in water treatment and disinfection. The aim of this partnership has been to develop new processes to ensure the safest water possible, free of amoebas and pathogenic microorganisms.