Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint

Wavegarden is committed to offsetting the carbon footprint of machinery manufacturing to be carbon neutral for years to come.

Comparison of C02 consumption of a Wavegarden Cove compared to a trip to the beach by car

We considered how far your home should be from your favourite beach and the nearest Wavegarden Cove to work out the distance at which surfing at Wavegarden Cove has a lower carbon footprint.

The calculation was based on the following hypotheses:

This is a rough calculation and is only based on the direct energy used by the car and wave generator. It does not take into account the energy used to build the Wavegarden Cove, the roads or the car itself.

The study shows that your carbon footprint would be less if you surfed at your Wavegarden Cove, provided that it is at least quarter of an hour nearer to your home than your favourite beach.

Wavegarden Cove
Wavegarden Cove average energy/hour 450 kWh
Nº of surfers per hour80
Wavegarden Cove energy/hour/surfer 5,625 kWh
CO2 emitted per session and person at Wavegarden1.74 kg
Average petrol consumption per car at 100 km/h 6,00 l
Nº of persons per car1
CO2 emissions per hour and person in car running on petrol 14.35 kg
Car distance to equal the CO2
Car total minutes (return journey) to match CO2 emissions in Wavegarden session per person 24
Car minutes per section (return journey) to match CO2 emissions in Wavegarden session per person 12

Less Carbon, More Surf

Experience an alternative surf trip without leaving your country with Wavegarden!

A Wavegarden is a very good alternative to travelling abroad in search of great waves. Wavegarden facilities offer a sustainable and convenient solution, reducing the need for air travel to enjoy a surf trip. This fact directly contributes to a significant reduction in the carbon footprint generated by surf travel, particularly air travel.

Wavegarden’s commitment to sustainability extends to minimizing energy consumption, resulting in reduced CO2 emissions during surf sessions.

For example, a Wavegarden Cove in Switzerland would consume less than 450 kWh in a 1-hour session with an average of 88 surfers, resulting in a carbon emissions equivalent of 50.75 kg CO2 or 0.63 kg CO2 per session per person.

A roundtrip plane voyage from Switzerland to Bali emits approximately 800,000 kg CO2 (for 246 passengers). This is equivalent to a Wavegarden operating for 1,970 days (8hours/day).

Each passenger traveling by plane from Switzerland to Bali emits 3,252 kg CO2eq (roundtrip) which is equivalent to enjoying 5,638 sessions at Wavegarden per person.